Lessons learned from the software consulting job

June 23, 2019

I live in Taiwan and I can not find Clojure jobs here. Although the first legal gay wedding in Asia took place here, it seems that the real programming language innovation still needs some evangelists to spread it. Therefore, I decide to create Clojure job by myself. In January this year, I had a chance to develop enterprise software for a big company, and I chose Clojure as my primary technical stack.

Technical stack issues

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Using datomic with Luminus: Where to put our queries?

June 12, 2019

If we build a Luminus project with db option other than datomic, for example +postgres, the code arrangement is much more straight forward. Open the file resources/sql/queries.sql, and put sql query and sql transaction command in this file. Then, we can just require the xxx.db.core namespace, the db queries or commands are totally available.

Where to put the db queries if we use db option as +datomic?

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Clojure development environment by Vagrant

May 13, 2019

If you want to have a portable Clojure development environment and you use Vagrant, vim-fireplace, you may consider to try my Vagrantfile.

git clone https://github.com/humorless/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
vagrant up
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Using Datomic in my app

April 27, 2019

The background of this post

I began to use Datomic seriously in my project at work from February 2019. Now, it is time to write down certain experience. When I just began, I found a lot of documents talking about how to use Datomic. However, I still found certain points worth to mention from my project.

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REPL tips

March 30, 2019

從今年 2 月開始,接了一個公司內部應用軟體的專案開發,我用 clojure + luminus + datomic 來實作。不知不覺也就每天寫 clojure 的 REPL 近兩個月了。每天玩 REPL 之後,很快就發現一些過去我用 REPL 的盲點。

沒有善用 clojure.repl/pprint

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