April 27, 2019

Using Datomic in my app

  1. The background of this post
  2. Query API and Pull API are enough
  3. Occasionally, a generalized CAS (compare-and-swap) is needed, or you need to use stamp.
  4. DB Enumeration
    1. How to pull out all the enumerations of the same type?
    2. How to store the external string and enumeration mapping in Datomic?

The background of this post

I began to use Datomic seriously in my project at work from February 2019. Now, it is time to write down certain experience. When I just began, I found a lot of documents talking about how to use Datomic. However, I still found certain points worth to mention from my project.

Query API and Pull API are enough

When I just begin to write Datomic, soon I found post from Val. In the post, Val used Entity API.

In my project, I used only Query API and Pull API. Query API was for taking out entity id mostly and Pull API was for pulling out necessary field or sometimes doing some 'join'. I think the article SEPARATION OF CONCERNS IN DATOMIC QUERY: DATALOG QUERY AND PULL EXPRESSIONS has explained similar idea. Entity API is also good, but Pull API is even better.

Occasionally, a generalized CAS (compare-and-swap) is needed, or you need to use stamp.

In my project, I need to use Datomic to model:

  1. The user can propose request. Initially, the request is in open status.
  2. The admin can approve/reject/modify the user request.

The request schema is like:

:req/status     ;; cardinality one. It can be - open, modified, approved, rejected
:req/things     ;; cardinality many. [thing-id ...]

The admin sees the user requests from a web application UI. There are three options for admin: approve, reject, modify. If a request is approved or rejected, then this request is no longer alive. It will disappear from admin UI. However, if a request is modified, it can still be approved, be rejected, or be modified again. When the request is modified, only the req/things can be modified. There may be multiple admins operating at the same time on the same request in this system.

The state diagram of request status is:

 open -> modified 
 modified -> modified 
 {modified, open} -> approved (done)
 {modified, open} -> rejected (done)

Consider a situation: Two admins A and B process on the same request and they do not sense each other. They push the button at the same time. One admin A approves the request and another admin B modifies the request. The request was originally modified before, so it is at the status modified when the two admins process it.

The correct behavior of the system could be two possibilities: Either operation of admin A is successful or operation of admin B is successful. If operation of admin A is successful first, then the request can not be modified anymore. If the operation of admin B is successful first, then the approval of A should not happen, because the req/things is already modified, but the admin A approved different set of req/things.

I consider to utilize db.fn/cas to guarantee that only one operation of admin A or admin B can succeed. However, db.fn/cas does not work on attributes with cardinality many.

I think there are two ways to solve this mutually exclusive concurrent operation problem:

  1. Add an extra schema req/stamp into req. The stamp is initially 0. Every operation will increase it by 1. Then I can use this stamp and db.fn/cas to ensure the logically strictness of the operations.
  2. Install some customized db function, which can do CAS on cardinality many to ensure the logically strictness.

DB Enumeration

I use :db/ident to do enumerations in my project:

[:db/add #db/id [:db.part/user] :db/ident :product.type/account]
[:db/add #db/id [:db.part/user] :db/ident :product.type/display]

They are enumerations that represent the different products. Then, there are certain related issues associated with this modeling.

How to pull out all the enumerations of the same type?

I deliberately set the enumeration of the same type with the same namespace, so I need to prepare a query that can filter based on the same namespace. It is very convenient that we can directly use Clojure function in Datomic query.

(defn product-enum-eids
  "all the product enumeration eids"
  (d/q '[:find [?e ...]
         :in $ ?nsp
         :where [?e :db/ident ?attr]
         [(namespace ?attr) ?nsp]]     ;;Datomic Function expression binds the ?nsp variable
       db "product.type"))

How to store the external string and enumeration mapping in Datomic?

Once again, I use simple schema with no magic.

   {:db/doc "External name associated with a db enumeration value"
    :db/ident :enum/name
    :db/valueType :db.type/string
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
    :db/unique :db.unique/identity
    :db/id #db/id [:db.part/db]
    :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}

   {:db/doc "db enumeration value"
    :db/ident :enum/value
    :db/valueType :db.type/ref
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
    :db/unique :db.unique/identity
    :db/id #db/id [:db.part/db]
    :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}

When we need to import data from files and we need to map external names to DB enumeration values, we can pull out all the mapping at once.

(defn name2enum-table
  "create a mapping table that can lookup enumeration from string name."
  (into {}  (d/q '[:find ?k ?enum
                   [?e :enum/name ?k]
                   [?e :enum/value ?v]
                   [?v :db/ident ?enum]]
Tags: tips experience Datomic